People always ask my husband and I about fostering to the point that our answers are locked and loaded. Yes, it is hard giving them up for adoption, but it is worth it. Of course, our heart is broken for what they have been through, but we are not sad all the time. Yes, it takes work to gain our foster dogs' trust and bring them into our pack, but it is worth it. The weird thing is that no one ever asks WHY we foster. That is the question I wish people would ask. Because this right here is WHY: BY DANA ABLING MEET & GREETS NEED TO BE HANDLED THROUGH THE ADOPTIONS TEAM. THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR A NUMBER OF REASONS: If fostering is active, the Adoption Team may be screening applications for potential adopters to set up meet & greets. For the safety of foster puppies, the Adoption Team ensures that a potential adopter's resident dogs are vaccinated. The Adoption team ensures that only qualified applicants meet our animals to adopt them so they are not heart broken after meeting them. If you have friends or family members interested in your foster dog/puppy, we are happy to help facilitate that. If your foster is not active yet, they can complete a generic application. These photos were taken a month apart. The picture on the left was the night we got Armstrong from the transport bus. He had been attacked by dogs sometime in the past and had a horrifying leg wound that went untreated for who knows how long under that pink bandage. He was terrified, in a lot of pain, and so confused. He clung to my husband and just wanted to be held. Armstrong was too afraid to look him in the eye but brave enough to nuzzle under his chin. They sat there like that for hours. The picture on the right is from an adoption event a month later. Armstrong is all smiles after daily bandage changes, lots of pain medication, and two procedures to stitch that wound back together. He is the sweetest little dude around. Armstrong is still happy to be hanging out with his foster dad and confident enough to be looking around for his new family. (He is still looking, by the way). THIS IS WHY WE FOSTER. BECAUSE ONE MONTH CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING