In January, we received a distressing call about a dog found abandoned in an apartment in Sherman, Texas. It's a perplexing and heartbreaking scenario; this poor dog, whom we now affectionately call Bronson, was left behind when his family was evicted from their apartment. What's astonishing is that he went unnoticed for nearly three months. The question that lingers is, how could this happen? How did no one hear his barks or cries for help? It's a stark reminder that we still have work to do in raising awareness about animal welfare.

For eight long weeks, this poor soul was left to fend for himself in a world that must have seemed devoid of compassion. When we found him, he weighed a mere 17 pounds, a fraction of what a dog his size should weigh. The sight was heart-wrenching.
Without hesitation, we rushed Dietz to the vet. He was a pitiful skeleton, his body ravaged by neglect. He suffered from copious amounts of bloody diarrhea, a sure sign of the hardship he had endured. Yet, his spirit remained unbroken.
Medical tests revealed that Dietz's condition was primarily due to starvation. We initiated a slow refeeding routine, carefully nurturing him back to health. It was a remarkable transformation to witness. In just two weeks, he doubled his weight to 34 pounds. But the changes weren't just physical; Dietz's once neglected coat gleamed with newfound health, and his previously overgrown nails and dental issues were no more.
Despite the hardships he had faced, Dietz's resilience shone through. He would purposely use his crate to potty, likely because he never been taken outside before. His survival instincts were undeniable.
In just two weeks of being with us, Dietz had applications for adoption. However, his foster family, who had witnessed his incredible journey firsthand, knew that he had already found his forever home. They decided to rename him Dietz, after the legendary Navy SEAL, Danny Dietz, who displayed unwavering determination and resilience in the face of adversity. Today, Dietz is affectionately known as D, Sweet D, Baby D, and Fat Boy, the last nickname being a testament to his remarkable recovery. At his last weigh-in, he tipped the scales at a healthy 47 pounds!
Dietz might have entered our rescue as a pitiful, emaciated shadow of a dog, barely able to walk, but he has managed to completely take over our hearts and his family's home. He's not just a survivor; he's a beacon of hope and a reminder of the incredible resilience of animals.
Dietz's remarkable journey embodies the essence of resilience and unwavering spirit. His story is a testament to the incredible power of compassion and the inspiring journey of healing and hope that every rescued animal deserves.
Donate to ensure our rescue can continue lifesaving transformations for dogs like Dietz.
Our rehabilitation efforts address the physical and emotional needs of rescued animals and prepare them for the second chance they deserve. You can make a difference by fostering, adopting, or making a donation toward these worthy animals.
Thank you for supporting Dallas Dog. Our mission is to create a safer place for animals by rescuing and rehabilitating those who are neglected, unwanted and abused across Texas or displaced by natural disasters nearby and finding them a permanent home. You can visit our website at to follow our amazing journey.
That's heartbreaking. Poor Bronson. Three months alone is unimaginable. It really highlights how easily animals can be overlooked, and it's a powerful reminder of the importance of responsible pet ownership and community awareness. I'm glad he was eventually found and is now safe. It's stories like this that make the work of animal welfare organizations so crucial.
ragdoll hit
The volunteer work you do really means a lot to these dogs. basket random