This litter landed themselves in a full shelter there is a mom and 4 female puppies!!

Here is the worst news they are on their way here to our rescue and NOT one of them has a foster.
I know it is hard to imagine these sweet girls not having a foster but that tells you how difficult these times are in rescue right now!!
Adoptions are slow and foster homes are all full. Please HELP! Sign up to foster, donate or even apply to adopt. We have so many amazing babies available!
Thank you for HELPING US, to HELP ANIMALS, overcome their yesterdays and rewrite their tomorrows.
DogRRR NEW VENMO: DDRescue2015
Who is Dallas Dog?
Our rehabilitation efforts address the physical and emotional needs of rescued animals and prepare them for the second chance they deserve. You can make a difference by fostering, adopting, or making a donation toward these worthy animals. Thank you for supporting Dallas Dog. Our mission is to create a safer place for animals by rescuing and rehabilitating those who are neglected, unwanted and abused across Texas or displaced by natural disasters nearby and finding them a permanent home. You can visit our website at to follow our amazing journey.
There is a mother and four female puppies in this litter that ended up in a full shelter! that's not my neighbor