“Hi Patti! My name is “X” and I have a favor to ask.”
I’m going to be honest, it’s a trigger sentence. These types of texts usually go two ways.

1) They ask for supplies, outreach info, etc.
2) The favor deals with life or death.
It’s the latter that drains us emotionally. We make decisions every day. Small ones, and then catastrophic ones such as this particular request.
“I am messaging you to see if you can help in any way. We have a puppy that was brought in as a stray Friday. Today he popped positive for parvo. We have an hour to find a rescue to take him or his fate will be euthanasia. I am doing everything I can to save this sweet soul. He his about 3-4 months old. Here are a few pictures of him. Is there anything you could do to help?”
Words cannot express the emotional toll this places on our team EVERY.SINGLE. DAY!!! If we say, “No, we cannot help this puppy” he will die. We cannot save him without your help. Parvo always runs $2000-$5000 to treat depending on its severity. Please help us save this puppy.
The intensity and emphasis reverberated through the phone as I listened to the doctors relay Kasper’s prognosis. Kasper is not doing well. Recollections of little Boba hit me like a ton of bricks as news pertaining to Kasper rang my ear.
Kasper is in terrible shape. His gums are as white as the fur on his body, he regurgitates just from having his stomach palpitated, the CBC displayed incredibly low white counts and blood sugar; along with all that, he’s faced with extreme anemia and dehydration to boot.
Normally parvo care starts with IV meds and a careful watch to see how they respond. Kasper’s severity does not afford us that luxury. The doctor had to place an NG tube and give a transfusion immediately to save his life. Kasper is getting the best care from our doctors in the ER and we will remain hopeful that he will recover. Funds are still needed to cover his life saving care.

The vets gave him Albumin to help his blood however it is still lower than normal. His Electrolytes are very low. They put a feeding tube into him to help him eat. We started an endosorb because he has had multiple rounds of diarrhea overnight.
He had less than an hour to live at the shelter. Parvo is a death sentence at a shelter. Now he is being saved by the incredibly hard working volunteers at Dallas Dog and the ER doctors we depend on for these cases.
Please, make a difference in a dog's life and donate to continue this lifesaving care.
Thank you for HELPING US, to HELP ANIMALS, overcome their yesterdays and rewrite their tomorrows.

PAYPAL/ZELLE: donate@dallasdogrrr.org
DogRRR NEW VENMO: DDRescue2015
Who is Dallas Dog? Our rehabilitation efforts address the physical and emotional needs of rescued animals and prepare them for the second chance they deserve. You can make a difference by fostering, adopting, or making a donation toward these worthy animals.
Thank you for supporting Dallas Dog. Our mission is to create a safer place for animals by rescuing and rehabilitating those who are neglected, unwanted and abused across Texas or displaced by natural disasters nearby and finding them a permanent home. You can visit our website at www.dallasdogrrr.org to follow our amazing journey.