March 14, 2022

Sweet Babette was found and then rushed to the ER /Urgent Care where they diagnosed with a PROLAPSED RECTUM however it is not that simple as that …..
It has been out awhile and it is necrotic and she will need a resection. Unfortunately, all of the specialists are booked so she can not get in until next week.
So now we are told we have to get it out back in with a purse string to hold it till surgery.
This poor girl funds are needed please consider donating to her care.
Update: March 31, 2022
Babette wanted everyone to know she is doing amazing after her surgery.
She was found as a stray with a necrotic prolasped rectum. She had surgery and they were able put in back in by racking it to her abdomen.
She is definitely feeling better, she is so full of her self.
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Please. Donate to save their lives. Visit to contribute to their care.
DogRRR NEW VENMO: DDRescue2015
Who is Dallas Dog?
Our rehabilitation efforts address the physical and emotional needs of rescued animals and prepare them for the second chance they deserve. You can make a difference by fostering, adopting, or making a donation toward these worthy animals.
Thank you for supporting Dallas Dog. Our mission is to create a safer place for animals by rescuing and rehabilitating those who are neglected, unwanted and abused across Texas or displaced by natural disasters nearby and finding them a permanent home. You can visit our website at to follow our amazing journey.