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Kylie's Journey from Neglect to Hope

Last Thursday night, an urgent email brought Kylie's heartbreaking plight to our attention. This young dog's situation was nothing short of dire—malnourished, covered in mange, and wandering in scorching 104-degree weather.

The Urgent Rescue Effort:

With Kylie's life hanging in the balance, we swiftly mobilized. Working closely with our partners at Donna Animal Shelter, a dedicated volunteer braved narrow alleys to locate her. Time was of the essence; Kylie needed immediate medical intervention.

Thanks to the collaborative efforts of our volunteers and Donna Animal Shelter, Kylie was secured and rushed to the emergency room for critical care.

Kylie's Current Condition:

Upon arrival at PetDoctor911, Kylie's condition painted a grim picture. Severely dehydrated, anemic, and emaciated, she bore the scars of prolonged neglect. Despite her ordeal, Kylie showed glimpses of hope—wagging her tail and eagerly accepting nourishment.

The Road to Recovery:

Kylie's journey to recovery has been arduous. She battles anemia, signs of past distemper, and scartopic mange infestation. Under constant medical supervision, Kylie is receiving meticulous care to rebuild her strength. Her tenacity shines through, despite the visible scars and physical challenges she faces.

How You Can Help:

Kylie's fight for survival is far from over. Your support is crucial to ensure she receives the ongoing medical care she desperately needs. Please consider making a donation today to contribute to Kylie's healing journey and eventual transition to a loving foster home.

Kylie has been making remarkable progress under our care. Her treatment has been effective, and we are pleased to report that she is doing much better. Kylie's health is stable, and we continue to monitor her closely to ensure her continued improvement.

Soon, Kylie will be heading home with one of our dedicated volunteers in South Texas. We will provide her with ongoing medical support to ensure she remains on the right track to recovery.

We do need more funds to continue Kylie's lifesaving care. Please consider donating or sharing Kylie's story! Thank you for your compassion and support.

DogRRR VENMO: DDRescue2015

Who is Dallas Dog?
Our rehabilitation efforts address the physical and emotional needs of rescued animals and prepare them for the second chance they deserve. You can make a difference by fostering, adopting, or making a donation toward these worthy animals. Thank you for supporting Dallas Dog. Our mission is to create a safer place for animals by rescuing and rehabilitating those who are neglected, unwanted and abused across Texas or displaced by natural disasters nearby and finding them a permanent home. You can visit our website at to follow our amazing journey.
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